The system of Abel equations α(ft(x)) = α(x) + λ(t), t ∈ T, is studied under the general assumption that are pairwise commuting homeomorphisms of a real interval and have no fixed points (T is an arbitrary non-empty set). A result concerning embeddability of rational iteration groups in continuous groups is proved as a simple consequence of the obtained theorems.
@article{bwmeta1.element.bwnjournal-article-apmv60z2p119bwm, author = {W. Jarczyk and K. \L oskot and M. C. Zdun}, title = {Commuting functions and simultaneous Abel equations}, journal = {Annales Polonici Mathematici}, volume = {60}, year = {1994}, pages = {119-135}, zbl = {0828.39006}, language = {en}, url = {} }
W. Jarczyk; K. Łoskot; M. C. Zdun. Commuting functions and simultaneous Abel equations. Annales Polonici Mathematici, Tome 60 (1994) pp. 119-135.
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