The paper aims at extending the notion of regional controllability developed for linear systems cite to the semilinear hyperbolic case. We begin with an asymptotically linear system and the approach is based on an extension of the Hilbert uniqueness method and Schauder's fixed point theorem. The analytical case is then tackled using generalized inverse techniques and converted to a fixed point problem leading to an algorithm which is successfully implemented numerically and illustrated with examples.
@article{bwmeta1.element.bwnjournal-article-amcv17i4p437bwm, author = {Zerrik, E. and Larhrissi, R. and Bourray, H.}, title = {An output controllability problem for semilinear distributed hyperbolic systems}, journal = {International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science}, volume = {17}, year = {2007}, pages = {437-448}, zbl = {1234.93023}, language = {en}, url = {} }
Zerrik, E.; Larhrissi, R.; Bourray, H. An output controllability problem for semilinear distributed hyperbolic systems. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Tome 17 (2007) pp. 437-448.
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