@article{AIHPA_1982__36_1_19_0, author = {Hagedorn, George A.}, title = {Asymptotic completeness for the impact parameter approximation to three particle scattering}, journal = {Annales de l'I.H.P. Physique th\'eorique}, volume = {37}, year = {1982}, pages = {19-40}, mrnumber = {653016}, zbl = {0482.47003}, language = {en}, url = {http://dml.mathdoc.fr/item/AIHPA_1982__36_1_19_0} }
Hagedorn, George A. Asymptotic completeness for the impact parameter approximation to three particle scattering. Annales de l'I.H.P. Physique théorique, Tome 37 (1982) pp. 19-40. http://gdmltest.u-ga.fr/item/AIHPA_1982__36_1_19_0/
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