Some Sharp Weighted Estimates for Multilinear Operators - doi: 10.5269/bspm.v23i1-2.7465
Lanzhe, Liu
Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática, Tome 23 (2009), / Harvested from Portal de Periódicos da UEM

In this paper, we establish a sharp inequality for some multilinear operators related to certain integral operators. The operators include Calderón-Zygmund singular integral operator, Littlewood-Paley operator, Marcinkiewicz operator and Bochner-Riesz operator. As application, we obtain the weighted norm inequalities and L log L type estimate for the multilinear operators.

Publié le : 2009-01-01
     title = {Some Sharp Weighted Estimates for Multilinear Operators - doi: 10.5269/bspm.v23i1-2.7465},
     journal = {Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matem\'atica},
     volume = {23},
     year = {2009},
     doi = {10.5269/bspm.v23i1-2.7465},
     language = {EN},
     url = {}
Lanzhe, Liu. Some Sharp Weighted Estimates for Multilinear Operators - doi: 10.5269/bspm.v23i1-2.7465. Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática, Tome 23 (2009) . doi : 10.5269/bspm.v23i1-2.7465.