Survey of works published in the series History of mathematics
Historický vývoj geometrických transformací, GDML_Books, (2015), p. [175]-[177] / Harvested from
     title = {Survey of works published in the series History of mathematics},
     booktitle = {Historick\'y v\'yvoj geometrick\'ych transformac\'\i },
     series = {GDML\_Books},
     publisher = {Katedra didaktiky matematiky MFF UK},
     address = {Praha},
     year = {2015},
     pages = {[175]-[177]},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
 (éd.). Survey of works published in the series History of mathematics, dans Historický vývoj geometrických transformací, GDML_Books,  (2015), pp. [175]-[177].