The first ten Abel Prizes for mathematics [English summary]
Prvních deset Abelových cen za matematiku, GDML_Books, (2013), p. 87-88 / Harvested from
     title = {The first ten Abel Prizes for mathematics [English summary]},
     booktitle = {Prvn\'\i ch deset Abelov\'ych cen za matematiku},
     series = {GDML\_Books},
     publisher = {Jednota \v cesk\'ych matematik\r u a fyzik\r u},
     address = {Praha},
     year = {2013},
     pages = {87-88},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
 (éd.). The first ten Abel Prizes for mathematics [English summary], dans Prvních deset Abelových cen za matematiku, GDML_Books,  (2013), pp. 87-88.