max-projective modules
Alagöz, Yusuf ; Büyükaşik, Engin
arXiv, Tome 2019 (2019) no. 0, / Harvested from
A right $R$-module $M$ is called max-projective provided that each homomorphism $f:M \to R/I$ where $I$ is any maximal right ideal, factors through the canonical projection $\pi : R \to R/I$. We call a ring $R$ right almost-$QF$ (resp. right max-$QF$) if every injective right $R$-module is $R$-projective (resp. max-projective). This paper attempts to understand the class of right almost-$QF$ (resp. right max-$QF$) rings. Among other results, we prove that a right Hereditary right Noetherian ring $R$ is right almost-$QF$ if and only if $R$ is right max-$QF$ if and only if $R=S\times T$ , where $S$ is semisimple Artinian and $T$ is right small. A right Hereditary ring is max-$QF$ if and only if every injective simple right $R$-module is projective. Furthermore, a commutative Noetherian ring $R$ is almost-$QF$ if and only if $R$ is max-$QF$ if and only if $R=A \times B$, where $A$ is $QF$ and $B$ is a small ring.
Publié le : 2019-03-14
Classification:  Mathematics - Rings and Algebras
     author = {Alag\"oz, Yusuf and B\"uy\"uka\c sik, Engin},
     title = {max-projective modules},
     journal = {arXiv},
     volume = {2019},
     number = {0},
     year = {2019},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Alagöz, Yusuf; Büyükaşik, Engin. max-projective modules. arXiv, Tome 2019 (2019) no. 0, .