Resolving a Feedback Bottleneck of Multi-Antenna Coded Caching
Lampiris, Eleftherios ; Elia, Petros
arXiv, 1811.03935 / Harvested from arXiv
The work here makes substantial progress towards resolving the well known feedback bottleneck of multi-antenna coded caching, by introducing a fundamentally new algorithm that completely untangles caching gains from feedback costs. In the context of the $K$-user MISO broadcast channel with cache-aided receivers and an $L$-antenna transmitter, the algorithm achieves full multiplexing gains and unbounded near-optimal caching gains at the mere CSIT/CSIR costs associated to achieving multiplexing gains only. While prior state-of-art required feedback costs that scaled with $K$, the new algorithm requires only $L$ uplink/downlink feedback acquisition slots, irrespective of how large the achieved caching gain is, and thus irrespective of how many users are served at a time. In the end, the result solidifies the role of coded caching as a method for reducing feedback requirements in multi-antenna environments.
Publié le : 2018-11-09
Classification:  Computer Science - Information Theory
     author = {Lampiris, Eleftherios and Elia, Petros},
     title = {Resolving a Feedback Bottleneck of Multi-Antenna Coded Caching},
     journal = {arXiv},
     volume = {2018},
     number = {0},
     year = {2018},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Lampiris, Eleftherios; Elia, Petros. Resolving a Feedback Bottleneck of Multi-Antenna Coded Caching. arXiv, Tome 2018 (2018) no. 0, .