A Generalized Multifractal Formalism for the Estimation of Nonconcave Multifractal Spectra
Leonarduzzi, Roberto ; Abry, Patrice ; Wendt, Herwig ; Jaffard, Stéphane ; Touchette, Hugo
arXiv, 1811.03463 / Harvested from arXiv
Multifractal analysis has become a powerful signal processing tool that characterizes signals or images via the fluctuations of their pointwise regularity, quantified theoretically by the so-called multifractal spectrum. The practical estimation of the multifractal spectrum fundamentally relies on exploiting the scale dependence of statistical properties of appropriate multiscale quantities, such as wavelet leaders, that can be robustly computed from discrete data. Despite successes of multifractal analysis in various real-world applications, current estimation procedures remain essentially limited to providing concave upper-bound estimates, while there is a priori no reason for the multifractal spectrum to be a concave function. This work addresses this severe practical limitation and proposes a novel formalism for multifractal analysis that enables nonconcave multifractal spectra to be estimated in a stable way. The key contributions reside in the development and theoretical study of a generalized multifractal formalism to assess the multiscale statistics of wavelet leaders, and in devising a practical algorithm that permits this formalism to be applied to real-world data, allowing for the estimation of nonconcave multifractal spectra. Numerical experiments are conducted on several synthetic multifractal processes as well as on a real-world remote-sensing image and demonstrate the benefits of the proposed multifractal formalism over the state of the art.
Publié le : 2018-11-07
Classification:  Mathematics - Functional Analysis,  Physics - Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability
     author = {Leonarduzzi, Roberto and Abry, Patrice and Wendt, Herwig and Jaffard, St\'ephane and Touchette, Hugo},
     title = {A Generalized Multifractal Formalism for the Estimation of Nonconcave
  Multifractal Spectra},
     journal = {arXiv},
     volume = {2018},
     number = {0},
     year = {2018},
     language = {en},
     url = {http://dml.mathdoc.fr/item/1811.03463}
Leonarduzzi, Roberto; Abry, Patrice; Wendt, Herwig; Jaffard, Stéphane; Touchette, Hugo. A Generalized Multifractal Formalism for the Estimation of Nonconcave
  Multifractal Spectra. arXiv, Tome 2018 (2018) no. 0, . http://gdmltest.u-ga.fr/item/1811.03463/