The S-expansion method is a generalization of the In\"{o}n\"{u}-Wigner (IW)
contraction that allows to study new non-trivial relations between different
Lie algebras. Basically, this method combines a Lie algebra $\mathcal{G}$ with
a finite abelian semigroup $S$ in such a way that a new S-expanded algebra
$\mathcal{G}_{S}$ can be defined. When the semigroup has a zero-element and/or
a specific decomposition, which is said to be resonant with the subspace
structure of the original algebra, then it is possible to extract smaller
algebras from $\mathcal{G}_{S}$ which have interesting properties. Here we give
a brief description of the S-expansion, its applications and the main
motivations that lead us to elaborate a Java library, which automatizes this
method and allows us to represent and to classify all possible S-expansions of
a given Lie algebra.