Topology of Riemannian submanifolds with prescribed boundary
Alexander, Stephanie ; Ghomi, Mohammad ; Wong, Jeremy
Duke Math. J., Tome 151 (2010) no. 1, p. 533-565 / Harvested from Project Euclid
We prove that a smooth compact submanifold of codimension $2$ immersed in $\mathbf{R}^{n},n\geq 3,$ bounds at most finitely many topologically distinct, compact, nonnegatively curved hypersurfaces. This settles a question of Guan and Spruck related to a problem of Yau. Analogous results for complete fillings of arbitrary Riemannian submanifolds are obtained as well. On the other hand, we show that these finiteness theorems may not hold if the codimension is too high or the prescribed boundary is not sufficiently regular. Our proofs employ, among other methods, a relative version of Nash's isometric embedding theorem and the theory of Alexandrov spaces with curvature bounded below, including the compactness and stability theorems of Gromov and Perelman
Publié le : 2010-04-15
Classification:  53A07,  53C23,  53C21,  53C45
     author = {Alexander, Stephanie and Ghomi, Mohammad and Wong, Jeremy},
     title = {Topology of Riemannian submanifolds with prescribed boundary},
     journal = {Duke Math. J.},
     volume = {151},
     number = {1},
     year = {2010},
     pages = { 533-565},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Alexander, Stephanie; Ghomi, Mohammad; Wong, Jeremy. Topology of Riemannian submanifolds with prescribed boundary. Duke Math. J., Tome 151 (2010) no. 1, pp.  533-565.