Continuity with respect to disorder of the integrated density of states
Hislop, Peter D. ; Klopp, Frédéric ; Schenker, Jeffrey H.
Illinois J. Math., Tome 49 (2005) no. 2, p. 893-904 / Harvested from Project Euclid
We prove that the integrated density of states (IDS) associated to a random Schrödinger operator is locally uniformly Hölder continuous as a function of the disorder parameter $\lambda$. In particular, we obtain convergence of the IDS, as $\lambda \rightarrow 0$, to the IDS for the unperturbed operator at all energies for which the IDS for the unperturbed operator is continuous in energy.
Publié le : 2005-07-15
Classification:  47B80,  34L40,  35P20,  47B25,  47F05
     author = {Hislop, Peter D. and Klopp, Fr\'ed\'eric and Schenker, Jeffrey H.},
     title = {Continuity with respect to disorder of the integrated density of states},
     journal = {Illinois J. Math.},
     volume = {49},
     number = {2},
     year = {2005},
     pages = { 893-904},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Hislop, Peter D.; Klopp, Frédéric; Schenker, Jeffrey H. Continuity with respect to disorder of the integrated density of states. Illinois J. Math., Tome 49 (2005) no. 2, pp.  893-904.