Fredholm properties of evolution semigroups
Latushkin, Yuri ; Tomilov, Yuri
Illinois J. Math., Tome 48 (2004) no. 3, p. 999-1020 / Harvested from Project Euclid
We show that the Fredholm spectrum of an evolution semigroup $\{E^t\}_{t\geq 0}$ is equal to its spectrum, and prove that the ranges of the operator $E^t-I$ and the generator ${\bf G}$ of the evolution semigroup are closed simultaneously. The evolution semigroup is acting on spaces of functions with values in a Banach space, and is induced by an evolution family that could be the propagator for a well-posed linear differential equation $u'(t)=A(t)u(t)$ with, generally, unbounded operators $A(t)$; in this case ${\bf G}$ is the closure of the operator $G$ given by $(Gu)(t)=-u'(t)+A(t)u(t)$.
Publié le : 2004-07-15
Classification:  47D06,  34G10,  35F10,  35P05,  47A53
     author = {Latushkin, Yuri and Tomilov, Yuri},
     title = {Fredholm properties of evolution semigroups},
     journal = {Illinois J. Math.},
     volume = {48},
     number = {3},
     year = {2004},
     pages = { 999-1020},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Latushkin, Yuri; Tomilov, Yuri. Fredholm properties of evolution semigroups. Illinois J. Math., Tome 48 (2004) no. 3, pp.  999-1020.