Modules of G-dimension zero over local rings of depth two
Takahashi, Ryo
Illinois J. Math., Tome 48 (2004) no. 3, p. 945-952 / Harvested from Project Euclid
Let $R$ be a commutative noetherian local ring. Denote by $\mod R$ the category of finitely generated $R$-modules, and by ${\mathcal G} (R)$ the full subcategory of $\mod R$ consisting of all $R$-modules of G-dimension zero. Suppose that $R$ is henselian and non-Gorenstein, and that there is a non-free $R$-module in ${\mathcal G} (R)$. Then it is known that ${\mathcal G} (R)$ is not contravariantly finite in $\mod R$ if $R$ has depth at most one. In this paper, we prove that the same statement holds if $R$ has depth two.
Publié le : 2004-07-15
Classification:  13D05
     author = {Takahashi, Ryo},
     title = {Modules of G-dimension zero over local rings of depth two},
     journal = {Illinois J. Math.},
     volume = {48},
     number = {3},
     year = {2004},
     pages = { 945-952},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Takahashi, Ryo. Modules of G-dimension zero over local rings of depth two. Illinois J. Math., Tome 48 (2004) no. 3, pp.  945-952.