Let Wi, i∈ℕ, be independent copies of a zero-mean Gaussian process {W(t), t∈ℝd} with stationary increments and variance σ2(t). Independently of Wi, let ∑i=1∞δUi be a Poisson point process on the real line with intensity e−y dy. We show that the law of the random family of functions {Vi(⋅), i∈ℕ}, where Vi(t)=Ui+Wi(t)−σ2(t)/2, is translation invariant. In particular, the process η(t)=⋁i=1∞Vi(t) is a stationary max-stable process with standard Gumbel margins. The process η arises as a limit of a suitably normalized and rescaled pointwise maximum of n i.i.d. stationary Gaussian processes as n→∞ if and only if W is a (nonisotropic) fractional Brownian motion on ℝd. Under suitable conditions on W, the process η has a mixed moving maxima representation.