In the ordered Abelian group of reals with the integers as a
distinguished subgroup, the projection of a finite intersection of
generalized halfspaces is a finite intersection of generalized
halfspaces. The result is uniform in the integer coefficients and
moduli of the initial generalized halfspaces.
author = {Scowcroft, Philip},
title = {Generalized Halfspaces in the Mixed-Integer Realm},
journal = {Notre Dame J. Formal Logic},
volume = {50},
number = {1},
year = {2009},
pages = { 43-51},
language = {en},
url = {}
Scowcroft, Philip. Generalized Halfspaces in the Mixed-Integer Realm. Notre Dame J. Formal Logic, Tome 50 (2009) no. 1, pp. 43-51.