We describe 4-dimensional complex projective manifolds $X$ admitting a simple normal crossing divisor of the form $A+B$ among their hyperplane sections, both components $A$ and $B$ having sectional genus zero. Let $L$ be the hyperplane bundle. Up to exchanging the two components, $(X,L,A,B)$ is one of the following: 1) $(X,L)$ is a scroll over $P^{1}$ with $A$ itself a scroll and $B$ a fibre, 2) $(X,L)=(P^{2}\times P^{2},\mathscr{O}_{P^{2}\times P^{2}}(1,1))$ with $A\in|\mathscr{O}_{P^{2}\times P^{2}}(1,0)|,$ $B\in|\mathscr{O}_{P^{2}\times P^{2}}(0,1)|,$ $3)X=P_{P^{2}}(\mathscr{V})$ where $\mathscr{V}=\mathscr{O}_{P^{2}}(1)^{\oplus 2}\oplus \mathscr{O}_{P^{2}}(2)$ , $L$ is the tautological line bundle, $A=P_{P^{2}}$
$(\mathscr{O}_{P^{2}}(1)^{\oplus 2}$ ,
and $ B\in\pi^*$ $|\mathscr{O}_{P^{2}}(2)|$ , where $\pi$ : $X\rightarrow P^{2}$ is the scroll projection. This supplements a recent result of Chandler, Howard, and Sommese.