Bahadur–Kiefer theory for sample quantiles of weakly dependent linear processes
Kulik, Rafał
Bernoulli, Tome 13 (2007) no. 1, p. 1071-1090 / Harvested from Project Euclid
In this paper, we establish the Bahadur–Kiefer representation for sample quantiles for a class of weakly dependent linear processes. The rate of approximation is the same as for i.i.d. sequences and is thus optimal.
Publié le : 2007-11-14
Classification:  Bahadur representation,  empirical processes,  law of the iterated logarithm,  linear processes,  sample quantiles,  strong approximation
     author = {Kulik, Rafa\l },
     title = {Bahadur--Kiefer theory for sample quantiles of weakly dependent linear processes},
     journal = {Bernoulli},
     volume = {13},
     number = {1},
     year = {2007},
     pages = { 1071-1090},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Kulik, Rafał. Bahadur–Kiefer theory for sample quantiles of weakly dependent linear processes. Bernoulli, Tome 13 (2007) no. 1, pp.  1071-1090.