In this paper we generalize classical 3-set theorem related to stable partitions of arbitrary mappings due to Erd\H{o}s-de Bruijn, Katětov and Kasteleyn. We consider a structural generalization of this result to partitions preserving sets of inequalities and characterize all finite sets of such inequalities which can be preserved by a ``small'' coloring. These results are also related to graph homomorphisms and (oriented) colorings.
@article{119210, author = {Pavol Hell and Jaroslav Ne\v set\v ril and Andr\'e Raspaud and Eric Sopena}, title = {Three-and-more set theorems}, journal = {Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae}, volume = {41}, year = {2000}, pages = {793-801}, zbl = {1045.05086}, mrnumber = {1800165}, language = {en}, url = {} }
Hell, Pavol; Nešetřil, Jaroslav; Raspaud, André; Sopena, Eric. Three-and-more set theorems. Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, Tome 41 (2000) pp. 793-801.
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