Review: Per Martin-Lof, The Definition of Random Sequences; Per Martin-Lof, The Literature on von Mises' Kollectivs Revisited; Per Martin-Lof, A. Kino, J. Myhill, R. E. Vesley, On the Notion of Randomness
DiPaola, Robert A.
J. Symbolic Logic, Tome 40 (1975) no. 1, p. 450-452 / Harvested from Project Euclid
Publié le : 1975-09-14
     author = {DiPaola, Robert A.},
     title = {Review: Per Martin-Lof, The Definition of Random Sequences; Per Martin-Lof, The Literature on von Mises' Kollectivs Revisited; Per Martin-Lof, A. Kino, J. Myhill, R. E. Vesley, On the Notion of Randomness},
     journal = {J. Symbolic Logic},
     volume = {40},
     number = {1},
     year = {1975},
     pages = { 450-452},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
DiPaola, Robert A. Review: Per Martin-Lof, The Definition of Random Sequences; Per Martin-Lof, The Literature on von Mises' Kollectivs Revisited; Per Martin-Lof, A. Kino, J. Myhill, R. E. Vesley, On the Notion of Randomness. J. Symbolic Logic, Tome 40 (1975) no. 1, pp.  450-452.