Review: Thomas Hawkins, Lebesgue's Theory of Integration, and Michael J. Crowe, A History of Vector Analysis, and I. Grattan-Guinness, The Development of the Foundations of Mathematical Analysis from Euler to Riemann, and Hans Wussing, Die Genesis des abstrakten Gruppenbegriffes
author = {Waterhouse, William C.},
title = {Review: Thomas Hawkins, Lebesgue's Theory of Integration, and Michael J. Crowe, A History of Vector Analysis, and I. Grattan-Guinness, The Development of the Foundations of Mathematical Analysis from Euler to Riemann, and Hans Wussing, Die Genesis des abstrakten Gruppenbegriffes},
journal = {Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.},
volume = {78},
number = {4},
year = {1972},
pages = { 385-391},
language = {en},
url = {}
Waterhouse, William C. Review: Thomas Hawkins, Lebesgue's Theory of Integration, and Michael J. Crowe, A History of Vector Analysis, and I. Grattan-Guinness, The Development of the Foundations of Mathematical Analysis from Euler to Riemann, and Hans Wussing, Die Genesis des abstrakten Gruppenbegriffes. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., Tome 78 (1972) no. 4, pp. 385-391.