Arc Approximation Property and Confluence of Induced Mappings
Charatonik, Wł odzimierz J.
Rocky Mountain J. Math., Tome 28 (1998) no. 4, p. 107-154 / Harvested from Project Euclid
Publié le : 1998-03-14
Classification:  Approximation,  arcwise connected,  confluent,  continuum,  hyperspace,  induced mapping,  joining,  pseudo-confluent,  semi-confluent,  weakly confluent,  $n$-weakly confluent,  54F15,  54B20,  54C10
     author = {Charatonik, W\l\ odzimierz J.},
     title = {Arc Approximation Property and Confluence of Induced Mappings},
     journal = {Rocky Mountain J. Math.},
     volume = {28},
     number = {4},
     year = {1998},
     pages = { 107-154},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Charatonik, Wł odzimierz J. Arc Approximation Property and Confluence of Induced Mappings. Rocky Mountain J. Math., Tome 28 (1998) no. 4, pp.  107-154.