Correction: Correction to "Weak and $L^p$-Invariance Principles for Sums of $B$-Valued Random Variables"
Philipp, Walter
Ann. Probab., Tome 14 (1986) no. 4, p. 1095-1101 / Harvested from Project Euclid
The Proofs of Theorems 1 and 2 of [11] contain several gaps which will be corrected in this note.
Publié le : 1986-07-14
Classification:  Invariance principles,  domains of attraction stable laws,  Banach space valued random variables,  60F05,  60B10
     author = {Philipp, Walter},
     title = {Correction: Correction to "Weak and $L^p$-Invariance Principles for Sums of $B$-Valued Random Variables"},
     journal = {Ann. Probab.},
     volume = {14},
     number = {4},
     year = {1986},
     pages = { 1095-1101},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Philipp, Walter. Correction: Correction to "Weak and $L^p$-Invariance Principles for Sums of $B$-Valued Random Variables". Ann. Probab., Tome 14 (1986) no. 4, pp.  1095-1101.