Conditional Probability Integral Transformations and Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Multivariate Normal Distributions
Rincon-Gallardo, S. ; Quesenberry, C. P. ; O'Reilly, Federico J.
Ann. Statist., Tome 7 (1979) no. 1, p. 1052-1057 / Harvested from Project Euclid
Let $X_1, \cdots, X_n$ be a random sample from a full-rank multivariate normal distribution $N(\mu, \Sigma)$. The two cases (i) $\mu$ unknown and $\Sigma = \sigma^2\Sigma_0, \Sigma_0$ known, and (ii) $\mu$ and $\Sigma$ completely unknown are considered here. Transformations are given that transform the observation vectors to a (smaller) set of i.i.d. uniform rv's. These transformations can be used to construct goodness-of-fit tests for these multivariate normal distributions. Two examples are given to illustrate the application of these tests to numerical problems.
Publié le : 1979-09-14
Classification:  Goodness-of-fit,  multivariate normal,  conditional probability integral transformations,  62H15
     author = {Rincon-Gallardo, S. and Quesenberry, C. P. and O'Reilly, Federico J.},
     title = {Conditional Probability Integral Transformations and Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Multivariate Normal Distributions},
     journal = {Ann. Statist.},
     volume = {7},
     number = {1},
     year = {1979},
     pages = { 1052-1057},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Rincon-Gallardo, S.; Quesenberry, C. P.; O'Reilly, Federico J. Conditional Probability Integral Transformations and Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Multivariate Normal Distributions. Ann. Statist., Tome 7 (1979) no. 1, pp.  1052-1057.