Let $(X_i, Y_i)$ be $n$ independent rv's having a common bivariate distribution. When the $X_i$ are arranged in nondecreasing order as the order statistics $X_{r:n} (r = 1,2,\cdots, n)$, the $Y$-variate $Y_{\lbrack r:n\rbrack}$ paired with $X_{r:n}$ is termed the concomitant of the $r$th order statistic. The small-sample theory of the distribution and expected value of the rank $R_{r:n}$ of $Y_{\lbrack r:n\rbrack}$ is studied. In the special case of bivariate normality an illustrative table of the probability distribution of $R_{r,n}$ is given. A more extensive table of $E(R_{r,n})$ is also provided and it is found that asymptotic results require comparatively small finite-sample corrections even for modest values of $n$. Some applications are briefly indicated.