We prove the existence of a solution to the Monge-Ampère equation
detHess(ø) = 1 on a cone over a thrice-punctured two-sphere. The total
space of the tangent bundle is thereby a Calabi-Yau manifold with flat special Lagrangian fibers. (Each fiber can
be quotiented to three-torus if the affine monodromy can be shown to lie in SL(3,Z) × R3.) Our method is
through Baues and Cortés's result that a metric cone over an elliptic affine sphere has a parabolic
affine sphere structure (i.e., has a Monge-Ampère solution). The elliptic affine
sphere structure is determined by a semilinear PDE on CP1 minus three points, and we prove existence of a solution
using the direct method in the calculus of variations.