It is a classical fact that the number of vertices of the graphical zonotope ZΓ is equal to the number of acyclic orientations of a graph Γ . We show that the f-polynomial of ZΓ is obtained as the principal specialization of the q-analog of the chromatic symmetric function of Γ .
@article{1132, title = {Counting faces of graphical zonotopes}, journal = {ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA}, volume = {14}, year = {2017}, doi = {10.26493/1855-3974.1132.fae}, language = {EN}, url = {} }
Grujić, Vladimir. Counting faces of graphical zonotopes. ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA, Tome 14 (2017) . doi : 10.26493/1855-3974.1132.fae.