On the invariant theory for tame tilted algebras
Chindris, Calin
arXiv, 1109.2915 / Harvested from arXiv
We show that a tilted algebra $A$ is tame if and only if for each generic root $\dd$ of $A$ and each indecomposable irreducible component $C$ of $\module(A,\dd)$, the field of rational invariants $k(C)^{\GL(\dd)}$ is isomorphic to $k$ or $k(x)$. Next, we show that the tame tilted algebras are precisely those tilted algebras $A$ with the property that for each generic root $\dd$ of $A$ and each indecomposable irreducible component $C \subseteq \module(A,\dd)$, the moduli space $\M(C)^{ss}_{\theta}$ is either a point or just $\mathbb P^1$ whenever $\theta$ is an integral weight for which $C^s_{\theta}\neq \emptyset$. We furthermore show that the tameness of a tilted algebra is equivalent to the moduli space $\M(C)^{ss}_{\theta}$ being smooth for each generic root $\dd$ of $A$, each indecomposable irreducible component $C \subseteq \module(A,\dd)$, and each integral weight $\theta$ for which $C^s_{\theta} \neq \emptyset$. As a consequence of this latter description, we show that the smoothness of the various moduli spaces of modules for a strongly simply connected algebra $A$ implies the tameness of $A$. Along the way, we explain how moduli spaces of modules for finite-dimensional algebras behave with respect to tilting functors, and to theta-stable decompositions.
Publié le : 2011-09-13
Classification:  Mathematics - Representation Theory,  16G10, 16G20, 16G60, 16R30
     author = {Chindris, Calin},
     title = {On the invariant theory for tame tilted algebras},
     journal = {arXiv},
     volume = {2011},
     number = {0},
     year = {2011},
     language = {en},
     url = {http://dml.mathdoc.fr/item/1109.2915}
Chindris, Calin. On the invariant theory for tame tilted algebras. arXiv, Tome 2011 (2011) no. 0, . http://gdmltest.u-ga.fr/item/1109.2915/