Characters of automorphism groups associated with Kähler classes and functionals with cocycle conditions
Futaki, Akito ; Nakagawa, Yasuhiro
Kodai Math. J., Tome 24 (2001) no. 1, p. 1-14 / Harvested from Project Euclid
Publié le : 2001-05-14
Classification:  32Q15,  53C55,  58E11
     author = {Futaki, Akito and Nakagawa, Yasuhiro},
     title = {Characters of automorphism groups associated with K\"ahler classes and functionals with cocycle conditions},
     journal = {Kodai Math. J.},
     volume = {24},
     number = {1},
     year = {2001},
     pages = { 1-14},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Futaki, Akito; Nakagawa, Yasuhiro. Characters of automorphism groups associated with Kähler classes and functionals with cocycle conditions. Kodai Math. J., Tome 24 (2001) no. 1, pp.  1-14.