Every module is an inverse limit of injective modules
Bergman, George M.
arXiv, 1104.3173 / Harvested from arXiv
It is shown that any left module A over a ring R can be written as the intersection of a downward directed system of injective submodules of an injective module; equivalently, as an inverse limit of one-to-one homomorphisms of injectives. If R is left Noetherian, A can also be written as the inverse limit of a system of surjective homomorphisms of injectives. Some questions are raised.
Publié le : 2011-04-15
Classification:  Mathematics - Rings and Algebras,  16D50, 18A30 (Primary), 13C11, 16D90 (Secondary)
     author = {Bergman, George M.},
     title = {Every module is an inverse limit of injective modules},
     journal = {arXiv},
     volume = {2011},
     number = {0},
     year = {2011},
     language = {en},
     url = {http://dml.mathdoc.fr/item/1104.3173}
Bergman, George M. Every module is an inverse limit of injective modules. arXiv, Tome 2011 (2011) no. 0, . http://gdmltest.u-ga.fr/item/1104.3173/