A new variant of the Gödel-Mal'cev theorem for the classical propositional calculus and correction to my paper: ``The connective of necessity of modal logic ${\rm S}_5$ is metalogical''.
Publié le : 1986-10-14
author = {Dywan, Zdzis\l aw},
title = {A new variant of the G\"odel-Mal'cev theorem for the classical propositional calculus and correction to my paper: ``The connective of necessity of modal logic ${\rm S}\_5$ is metalogical''.},
journal = {Notre Dame J. Formal Logic},
volume = {27},
number = {1},
year = {1986},
pages = { 551-555},
language = {en},
url = {http://dml.mathdoc.fr/item/1093636768}
Dywan, Zdzisław. A new variant of the Gödel-Mal'cev theorem for the classical propositional calculus and correction to my paper: ``The connective of necessity of modal logic ${\rm S}_5$ is metalogical''.. Notre Dame J. Formal Logic, Tome 27 (1986) no. 1, pp. 551-555. http://gdmltest.u-ga.fr/item/1093636768/