We discuss limit distributions of partial sums of bounded functions h of a long-memory moving-average process Xt= ∑j=1 ∞ bj ζt-j with coefficients bj decaying as j-β, 1/2< β< 1, and independent and identically distributed innovations ζs whose probability tails decay as x-α, 2< α< 4. The case of h having Appell rank k*=2 or 3 is discussed in detail. We show that in this case and in the parameter region αβ< 2 , the partial sums process, normalized by N1/αβ , weakly converges to an αβ-stable Lévy process, provided that the normalization dominates the corresponding k* th-order Hermite process normalization, or that 1/αβ> 1 - (2β-1)k*/2. A complete characterization of limit distributions of the partial sums process remains open.