In this paper, we study simple modules for a reduced enveloping algebra $\uxg$ in the critical case when $\chi \in \frg^*$ is "nilpotent.'' Some dimension formulas computed by Jantzen suggest modified versions of Weyl's dimension formula, based on certain reflecting hyperplanes for the affine Weyl group which might be associated to Kazhdan--Lusztig cells.
author = {Humphreys, J. E.},
title = {Analogues of Weyl's Formula for Reduced Enveloping Algebras},
journal = {Experiment. Math.},
volume = {11},
number = {3},
year = {2002},
pages = { 567-573},
language = {en},
url = {}
Humphreys, J. E. Analogues of Weyl's Formula for Reduced Enveloping Algebras. Experiment. Math., Tome 11 (2002) no. 3, pp. 567-573.