Large sample theory of intrinsic and extrinsic sample means on manifolds
Bhattacharya, Rabi ; Patrangenaru, Vic
Ann. Statist., Tome 31 (2003) no. 1, p. 1-29 / Harvested from Project Euclid
Sufficient conditions are given for the uniqueness of intrinsic and extrinsic means as measures of location of probability measures Q on Riemannian manifolds. It is shown that, when uniquely defined, these are estimated consistently by the corresponding indices of the empirical $\hat Q_n$. Asymptotic distributions of extrinsic sample means are derived. Explicit computations of these indices of $\hat Q_n$ and their asymptotic dispersions are carried out for distributions on the sphere $S^d$ (directional spaces), real projective space $\mathbb{R}P^{N-1}$ (axial spaces) and $\mathbb{C} P^{k-2}$ (planar shape spaces).
Publié le : 2003-02-14
Classification:  Fréchet mean,  intrinsic mean,  extrinsic mean,  consistency,  equivariant embedding,  mean planar shape,  62H11,  62H10
     author = {Bhattacharya, Rabi and Patrangenaru, Vic},
     title = {Large sample theory of intrinsic and extrinsic sample means on manifolds},
     journal = {Ann. Statist.},
     volume = {31},
     number = {1},
     year = {2003},
     pages = { 1-29},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Bhattacharya, Rabi; Patrangenaru, Vic. Large sample theory of intrinsic and extrinsic sample means on manifolds. Ann. Statist., Tome 31 (2003) no. 1, pp.  1-29.