Predicting integrals of random fields using observations on a lattice
Stein, Michael L.
Ann. Statist., Tome 23 (1995) no. 6, p. 1975-1990 / Harvested from Project Euclid
For a stationary random field Z on $\mathbb{R}^d$, this work studies the asymptotic behavior of predictors of $\int v(x)Z(x)dx$ based on observations on a lattice as the distance between neighbors in the lattice tends to 0. Under a mild condition on the spectral density of Z, an asymptotic expression for the mean-squared error of a predictor of $\int v(x)Z(x)dx$ based on observations on an infinite lattice is derived. For predicting integrals over the unit cube, a simple predictor based just on observations in the unit cube is shown to be asymptotically optimal if v is sufficiently smooth and Z is not too smooth. Modified predictors extend this result to smoother processes.
Publié le : 1995-12-14
Classification:  Spatial statistics,  numerical integration,  optimal prediction,  62M40,  62M20
     author = {Stein, Michael L.},
     title = {Predicting integrals of random fields using observations on a lattice},
     journal = {Ann. Statist.},
     volume = {23},
     number = {6},
     year = {1995},
     pages = { 1975-1990},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Stein, Michael L. Predicting integrals of random fields using observations on a lattice. Ann. Statist., Tome 23 (1995) no. 6, pp.  1975-1990.