Let $X$ and $Y$ be symmetric diffusion processes with a common state
space, and let $P^m$ (resp.$Q^{\mu}$) be the law of $X$ (resp. $Y$) with its
symmetry measure $m$ (resp.$\mu$) as initial distribution. We study the
consequences of the absolute continuity condition $Q^{\mu} \ll_{\loc} P^m$. We
show that under this condition there is a "smooth" version $\rho$ of the
Radon-Nikodym derivative $d \mu/dm$ such that $1/2[\log \rho(X_t) - \log
\rho(X_0)] = M_t + N_t, t < \sigma$, where $M$ is a continuous local
martingale additive functional, $N$ is a zero-energy continuous additive
functional and $\sigma$ is an explosion time. The Girsanov density $L_t :=
dQ^{\mu} |_{F_t}/dP^m|_{F_t}$ then admits the representation $L_t = \exp(M_t -
1/2 \langle M \rangle_t)1_{{t \leq \sigma}}$. The density $\rho$ also serves to
link the Dirichlet forms of $X$ and $Y$ in a simple way. Our identification of
$L$ relies on notions of even and oddfor additive functionals.
These notions complement Fukushima’s decomposition and the
forward-backward martingale decomposition of Lyons and Zheng.