Analogues of stepping-stone models are considered where the
sitespace is continuous, the migration process is a general Markov process, and
the type-space is infinite. Such processes were defined in previous work of the
second author by specifying a Feller transition semigroup in terms of
expectations of suitable functionals for systems of coalescing Markov
processes. An alternative representation is obtained here in terms of a limit
of interacting particle systems. It is shown that, under a mild condition on
the migration process, the continuum-sites stepping-stone process has
continuous sample paths. The case when the migration process is Brownian motion
on the circle is examined in detail using a duality relation between coalescing
and annihilating Brownian motion. This duality relation is also used to show
that a tree-like random compact metric space that is naturally associated to an
in .nite family of coalescing Brownian motions on the circle has Hausdorff and
packing dimension both almost surely equal to 1/2 and, moreover, this space is
capacity equivalent to the middle-1/2 Cantor set (and hence also to the
Brownian zero set).
author = {Donnelly, Peter and Evans, Steven N. and Fleischmann, Klaus and Kurtz, Thomas G. and Zhou, Xiaowen},
title = {Continuum-sites stepping-stone models, coalescing exchangeable
partitions and random trees},
journal = {Ann. Probab.},
volume = {28},
number = {1},
year = {2000},
pages = { 1063-1110},
language = {en},
url = {}
Donnelly, Peter; Evans, Steven N.; Fleischmann, Klaus; Kurtz, Thomas G.; Zhou, Xiaowen. Continuum-sites stepping-stone models, coalescing exchangeable
partitions and random trees. Ann. Probab., Tome 28 (2000) no. 1, pp. 1063-1110.