An Efficient Technique for Text Compression
Azad, Md. Abul Kalam ; Sharmeen, Rezwana ; Ahmad, Shabbir ; Kamruzzaman, S. M.
arXiv, 1009.4981 / Harvested from arXiv
For storing a word or the whole text segment, we need a huge storage space. Typically a character requires 1 Byte for storing it in memory. Compression of the memory is very important for data management. In case of memory requirement compression for text data, lossless memory compression is needed. We are suggesting a lossless memory requirement compression method for text data compression. The proposed compression method will compress the text segment or the text file based on two level approaches firstly reduction and secondly compression. Reduction will be done using a word lookup table not using traditional indexing system, then compression will be done using currently available compression methods. The word lookup table will be a part of the operating system and the reduction will be done by the operating system. According to this method each word will be replaced by an address value. This method can quite effectively reduce the size of persistent memory required for text data. At the end of the first level compression with the use of word lookup table, a binary file containing the addresses will be generated. Since the proposed method does not use any compression algorithm in the first level so this file can be compressed using the popular compression algorithms and finally will provide a great deal of data compression on purely English text data.
Publié le : 2010-09-25
Classification:  Computer Science - Information Theory,  Computer Science - Information Retrieval
     author = {Azad, Md. Abul Kalam and Sharmeen, Rezwana and Ahmad, Shabbir and Kamruzzaman, S. M.},
     title = {An Efficient Technique for Text Compression},
     journal = {arXiv},
     volume = {2010},
     number = {0},
     year = {2010},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Azad, Md. Abul Kalam; Sharmeen, Rezwana; Ahmad, Shabbir; Kamruzzaman, S. M. An Efficient Technique for Text Compression. arXiv, Tome 2010 (2010) no. 0, .