Almost free modules and Mittag--Leffler conditions
Herbera, Dolors ; Trlifaj, Jan
arXiv, 0910.4277 / Harvested from arXiv
Drinfeld recently suggested to replace projective modules by the flat Mittag--Leffler ones in the definition of an infinite dimensional vector bundle on a scheme $X$. Two questions arise: (1) What is the structure of the class $\mathcal D$ of all flat Mittag--Leffler modules over a general ring? (2) Can flat Mittag--Leffler modules be used to build a Quillen model category structure on the category of all chain complexes of quasi--coherent sheaves on $X$? We answer (1) by showing that a module $M$ is flat Mittag--Leffler, if and only if $M$ is $\aleph_1$--projective in the sense of Eklof and Mekler. We use this to characterize the rings such that $\mathcal D$ is closed under products, and relate the classes of all Mittag--Leffler, strict Mittag--Leffler, and separable modules. Then we prove that the class $\mathcal D$ is not deconstructible for any non--right perfect ring. So unlike the classes of all projective and flat modules, the class $\mathcal D$ does not admit the homotopy theory tools developed recently by Hovey . This gives a negative answer to (2).
Publié le : 2009-10-22
Classification:  Mathematics - Rings and Algebras,  Mathematics - Algebraic Geometry,  16D40,  16E30,  14F05,  18F20,  03E75
     author = {Herbera, Dolors and Trlifaj, Jan},
     title = {Almost free modules and Mittag--Leffler conditions},
     journal = {arXiv},
     volume = {2009},
     number = {0},
     year = {2009},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Herbera, Dolors; Trlifaj, Jan. Almost free modules and Mittag--Leffler conditions. arXiv, Tome 2009 (2009) no. 0, .