Relative Singularity Categories and Gorenstein-Projective Modules
Chen, Xiao-Wu
arXiv, 0709.1762 / Harvested from arXiv
We introduce the notion of relative singularity category with respect to any self-orthogonal subcategory $\omega$ of an abelian category. We introduce the Frobenius category of $\omega$-Cohen-Macaulay objects, and under some reasonable conditions, we show that the stable category of $\omega$-Cohen-Macaulay objects is triangle-equivalent to the relative singularity category. As applications, we relate the stable category of (unnecessarily finitely-generated) Gorenstein-projective modules with singularity categories of rings. We prove that for a Gorenstein ring, the stable category of Gorenstein-projective modules is compactly generated and its compact objects coincide with finitely-generated Gorenstein-projective modules up to direct summands.
Publié le : 2007-09-12
Classification:  Mathematics - Rings and Algebras,  Mathematics - Representation Theory
     author = {Chen, Xiao-Wu},
     title = {Relative Singularity Categories and Gorenstein-Projective Modules},
     journal = {arXiv},
     volume = {2007},
     number = {0},
     year = {2007},
     language = {en},
     url = {}
Chen, Xiao-Wu. Relative Singularity Categories and Gorenstein-Projective Modules. arXiv, Tome 2007 (2007) no. 0, .