@article{03830026, title = {Fibonacci polynomials of order k, multinomial expansions and probability.}, journal = {International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences}, volume = {6}, year = {1983}, pages = {545-550}, doi = {10.1155/S0161171283000496}, zbl = {0524.10008}, language = {en}, url = {http://dml.mathdoc.fr/item/03830026} }
Philippou, Andreas N.; Georghiou, Costas; Philippou, George N. Fibonacci polynomials of order k, multinomial expansions and probability.. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Tome 6 (1983) pp. 545-550. doi : 10.1155/S0161171283000496. http://gdmltest.u-ga.fr/item/03830026/